Model Gram Panchayat in UP Sant Prakash Swarnakar, village head of Alipur Kheda in Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh told that first of all the dilapidated Panchayat building was renovated. Along with fixing the roof, the boundary wall and toilet were constructed. Interlocking and wall painting done.
Dilip Sharma, Mainpuri: It is said in Indian society that if one gets along with a saint, then life moves on the path of happiness, prosperity and peace. A ‘saint’ has also given such a mantra to Alipur Kheda gram panchayat of Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh that it is filling the path of development.
Pucca roads, street lights illuminating the street, CCTV cameras monitoring the entire village, cleaning system with public address system have changed both the picture and the fate of this village.
cctv cameras
Arrangement of a round table to discuss the planning and monitoring of development works in the Panchayat Bhawan tells about the thinking with which the Pradhan Sant Prakash Swarnkar and the Panchs have worked for the village. For this better development, the pradhan of the panchayat has received the honor of a successful head at the state level.
Video conferencing facility, disabled toilet also: The population of this gram panchayat of Sultanganj block is more than 10 thousand. Until a few years ago, Sant Prakash, who became the village head in May 2021 from a normal village, has changed the face. Gram Panchayat Alipur Kheda has become a model. The Secretariat of the Panchayat has a conference room with a seating capacity of 15 people. 32 CCTV cameras have been installed for surveillance in the entire village with the facility of video conferencing. Four cameras are installed in the Panchayat Bhawan. Its control room is in the Panchayat Secretariat. Till now 1000 meter interlocking and 800 meter CC road has been built. Interlocking, boundary wall along with disabled toilets have also been constructed in primary and junior schools. Eight water coolers are being installed for drinking water arrangement.
These works done in Panchayat:
– The village head freed 26 bighas of land of Usar in Nagla Sunday.
Now a cowshed with a capacity of 200 cows is being built here.
– Three private employees have also been engaged for cleaning in the village.
Future plans: Sant Prakash, the village head, says that separate dustbins for wet and dry waste are being kept at every five households. The process of buying an e-rickshaw for garbage collection has been started. There are also plans to set up a Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant. With this, pure water will be supplied door-to-door at half the rates from the market. This will provide convenience to the people and the panchayat will also get income. A proposal will be brought to make the Gram Panchayat polythene free.
Challenges are yet to come: House toilets have not been built in every household of the Gram Panchayat. Community toilet is built in village Akbelpur. The village head said that along with providing the benefit of the scheme to the beneficiaries, some more community toilets would be built.
Prashant, a resident of Alipur Kheda, said that the system in the gram panchayat has become much better than before. There should be more provision for toilets.
Nagla Itwari Sarvesh Rajput said that a lot of work is being done in the Gram Panchayat. Building a cowshed will be of great benefit. Everyone will get relief from destitute cows.